You know all those inspirational quotes? Don't you just hate 'em? I'll live, love and laugh when I feel like it, thank you. Tacking a ceramic plaque to your wall isn't going to stir an awakening in my soul. Unless your message is meant to make me love you; in which case, you're kind of needy. I barely know you.

I'm not a fan of platitudes. Just talk to me like a normal human being. I'd rather hear about your experiences than your condensed three-word philosophy. 

I'm also not drawn to songs that lecture me. You need to are three words nobody should utter.

To be inspirational, obviously lyrics are key. That's not to say a good instrumental can't inspire, but the song should cause one to reflect, or feel hopeful, or bring comfort.

I haven't pondered my list much (I already had my top tracks in mind), but I did browse Google to perhaps find some I'd missed. I didn't find any. All the lists I found were similar --- as if they were just, well, lists. Perhaps the authors really believed in their choices, but the lack of originality is suspect. We at Hitsvilly don't do lists for clicks. That's also why we sometimes addend our articles. If we've forgotten something important, it's only proper to add it.

Thus, here are Hitsvilly's best inspirational country tracks: 

Look At Us ~ Vince Gill


If you wanna see how true love should be

Then just look at us


True love is timeless. Guess what? Turns out it wasn't all about me; it was all about you and me. Sure, we had problems like every couple, but after all these years I still love you and you still love me.

Chances are, we'll go down in history

For my parents' fiftieth (surprise) anniversary party, one of my tasks was putting together a tape of fifty years of music, and this is the song that ended it. It was perfect. 

In This Life ~ Collin Raye

In This Life goes hand-in-glove with Look At Us, but it is more introspective. A man looks back on his life and understands that love is all that truly matters. "Sure, I had a nice career. I climbed the corporate ladder. I attended cocktail parties I hated and I laughed at my boss's jokes. I stayed up 'til two o'clock in the morning polishing my big presentation. And guess what? Once I retired I never once heard from those guys I thought were my friends. My company never loved me. Only you did."

If it all falls apart

I will know deep in my heart

The only dream that mattered had come true

In this life I was loved by you


I Believe In You ~ Don Williams

The singer is cynical, as most of us are. He doesn't trust platitudes. This is a man who makes up his own mind about things. He knows what's real. 

I believe in love

I believe in music

I believe in magic

And I believe in you


Babies, old folks, Mom and Dad, music.

And it goes without saying, you.

Red Dirt Road ~ Brooks and Dunn


This is a different sort of inspirational song. It says that we're all okay, no matter what, no matter who, no matter where we are.

I learned the path to heaven

Is full of sinners and believers

I learned that happiness on earth

Ain't just for high achievers


(Best four country lines every written) 


And there you have it. A short list, I know. But I believe in quality, not quantity.

I'm feeling inspired already.



Michelle Anderson, Senior Country Editor